Tuesday 23 August 2011


This is the poster that i've made for the 1st workshop, in order to promote the architectural model making exhibition

Monday 15 August 2011

Fisher House (1:50)

This helps me to have deep understanding of the house itself, in the bigger context of 1:50 scale. This model also puts me to understand the external and internal spaculations of the house, in order to be familiar with the circulation/movement/space.

Week 3 In class Exercise

Week 2 Take home exercise - Site Plan of Fisher House

Week 2 In Class Exercise

This models help me to generate my ideas in creating interesting/unique construction using the section given. This models also generate my idea of understanding the characteristic of balsa wood, and also how to deal with this kind of material.

Week 1 Take Home exercise - Barcelona Pavilion

Week 1 In Class exercise

This is the house i've created during the class session. This is actually my 1st introduction of making models, which in the previous semester, I did not make any models in any course. I guess making models is a crucial skill needed for an architect, in order to represent the building in certain miniature scale.